short narrative question: your voice needs to be heard
go through the newspaper for wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday & sunday
analyze them list down the different spins you think you identified
the straits times
wednesday, october 17 2007
spin: to gain your confidence, good looks and crowning glory
visit svenson
-svenson advertisement: it causes readers to think that
losing hair = no confidence
= no good looks
= no crowing glory
only to restore your hair = restores confidence
= restores good looks
= helps you to regain your crowning glory
spin: to get the benefits and stand a chance to win attractive prizes
sign up for the osbc easicredit
-osbc easicredit advertisement: this is not really a spin
but is a way to attract more customers
which is by giving shopping vouchers
and their easy accessibility to anywhere
spin: to get the benefits and stand a chance to win attractive prizes
sign up for the credit card
-hsbc advertisement: they also uses giving gifts and benefits like
'S$2 off caltex snow wash'
to interest readers to sign up with their credit card
spin: to have strong bones, drink anlene
spin: mind edge helps your child to have a better future
-mind edge advertisement: it uses comments from the child's father
and by giving you reasons about why must you join it
it allows readers to believe that mind edge do really will helps your child in many ways
what is better than having a real life example shown
spin: powereventsasia helps your dream comes true in a shorter period
-powereventsasia advertisement: it uses comparison
like 'Learn in 5 days! What other NLP programs teach in 6 months'
it will cause the readers to compare
'why go for a 6 months course, when i can learn it at other place with only 5 days'
spin: daikin helps you to save more electric
-daikin advertisement: it uses facts like their 4 ticks distinction and the greater annual electrical savings they have got
the most important factor is that they put in the
'trusted brand gold award winner since 2002' logo in to win reader's trust in them
and that do really works well
spin: hairaway is the best for permanent hair removal as they specialize on that
-hairaway advertisement: it uses giving discount to interest readers
but the most important thing that interests me is that
they put in 'we specialize in permanent hair removal. NOTHING ELSE!'
i think it is quite funny and it will leave a impression in the reader's mind after reading it
what is better than having a good quote to leave a good impression
spin: to tell the readers that they are guaranteed
-global edupreneur program: it uses 'money back guarantee' to interest readers
'why not give it a try, if it's not good, i will get my money back'
the straits times
thursday, october 18 2007
spin: to let the readers that their skills are proven
-Haircare 101: it uses 'visible results as seen on TV!'
readers who had seen the program would have saw the visible results testified by their satisfied customers
readers will trust it more than other similar advertisements
what can be better than having yourself seeing the results
they also uses an actor (Terence Cao) to gain reader's trust
as some readers may think that if that famous actor is their spokesperson and also client
= good
= must try
spin: we have experts to help you around
-guardian advertisement: it uses 'pharmacists to assist you to better understand your medication and health supplements'
with experts and consultants,
readers will think that it will be safer and better with them to lead
= gain their trust
spin: to tell the readers that your child can be like them too
-mindchamps advertisement: it uses comment by students themselves
and also a survey that they had done to show that it really works
and that gain the reader's trust in them
the straits times
friday, october 19 2007
spin: we provide the best for our customers
-audio house advertisement: it uses 'lowest price guaranteed or your money back!'
'casetrust, be sure'
and 'listed as top 150 organizations by -the best of singapore in- service excellence 2007'
and by putting that
it allows readers to trust them better than any other
spin: to tell the readers that they have strong business partners supporting them
-geely advertisement: it uses to show their business partners like GE money, ARF and etc
to show that they are trustable
and with the support of these business partners
they will be better
as some readers may not know this brand
but by knowing some of the other business partner's brand
they will like
'oh.. i know this brand. this brand is good.
if they are business partners, this brand should be good as well'
the straits times
saturday, october 20 2007
spin: to tell the readers that by going for a holiday, you can stand a chance to win attractive prizes
-asa holiday advertisement: it uses 'holiday and win'
and 'be the next lucky winner to take off with the new mercedes - benz c180k and other fabulous prizes'
to attract reader's attention
spin: to tell the readers that courts is unique
-courts advertisement: it uses 'multi extended warranty'
and 'with great deals and fantastic services available at courts, there's something truly unique for everyone. so next time you think uniquely singapore, think uniquely courts.'
i think that it is quite unique as they uses uniquely singapore to publish their uniquely courts
spin: to tell the readers that singtel gives you the best technology
-singtel advertisement: i think that their advertisement caught my eyes with their graphics made
it is very nice and interesting
with just a shake, you can get to the previous or the next song
most readers will think that
'wow.. so style and technology. i shall be the first one to get it'
weekend today
sunday, october 21 2007
spin: poh heng provides women secure
-poh heng advertisement: it uses interesting graphics to attract reader's attention
like by making their 'itrustme' jewelery to be over a lady model's waist
and 'nothing is quite as precious as trust'
spin: to tell the readers that they are trustable
-london weight management advertisement: it uses real life examples
and 'we guarantee you 4-16 cm off or more in 1 session'
and it will thus gain reader's trust in them
spin: to tell the readers that new york skin solutions helps you to regain your good looks and skin
-new york skin solutions advertisement: it uses 'face the world beautifully'
having skin problems = no good looks
= no good skin
with new york skin solutions = hope
and 'visible results guaranteed in just 1 session'
similarities: i never put in much advertisements because i think that almost all the advertisements are similar
and some advertisements on the above are not much of a spin
but it is a way they use to attract readers
they uses = gain reader's trust
= show real life example
= give knowledge
= give survey
= show that they have experts there
= show that they are good
= comparison
= give comments by others
= actor or actress as spokesperson
= quote
= reasoning
and the most important factor is that
they know the weakness of the readers
which is the kiasu-ness in them
no discount
no offer
no benefits
no gifts
and that is why they can interest so many readers
i think that to interest readers: 1. the advertisement size is important (the bigger it is, the more the readers will notice it)
2. their design and layout (as for me, i see the picture first than the words)
3. their quote and wordings (how interesting is their content, will it leave a impression in the reader)
4. the color (if the advertisement is in color, it will eventually attract reader's attention in a black and white newspaper)
but most importantly,
i think that if their brand are popular, readers will eventually notice them
as nowadays people go for the brand
next, is there a difference in how the newspaper handle weekdays' papers vs friday-sunday papers
describe how are they different
i think the difference is that: 1. weekends' paper is thicker
2. weekends' paper is 10 cents more expensive
3. weekends' paper has more advertisements
4. weekends' paper advertisements are bigger in size
5. today has advertisements only at the front but not at the back few pages
6. weekends' paper advertisements are more of the same company's advertisement
but they occupy more than a page
analyze them list down the different spins you think you identified
the straits times
wednesday, october 17 2007
visit svenson
-svenson advertisement: it causes readers to think that
losing hair = no confidence
= no good looks
= no crowing glory
only to restore your hair = restores confidence
= restores good looks
= helps you to regain your crowning glory
sign up for the osbc easicredit
but is a way to attract more customers
which is by giving shopping vouchers
and their easy accessibility to anywhere
sign up for the credit card
-hsbc advertisement: they also uses giving gifts and benefits like
'S$2 off caltex snow wash'
to interest readers to sign up with their credit card
-anlene advertisement: it uses question like
'Think your bones are strong? Think again'
and this will causes the readers to think about it and stays in their mind for a while
and by giving readers some knowledge about the bones
readers will think that
'yea, our bones are not that strong actually'
with anlene = you can live a life doing the things you love
'Think your bones are strong? Think again'
and this will causes the readers to think about it and stays in their mind for a while
and by giving readers some knowledge about the bones
readers will think that
'yea, our bones are not that strong actually'
with anlene = you can live a life doing the things you love
-mind edge advertisement: it uses comments from the child's father
and by giving you reasons about why must you join it
it allows readers to believe that mind edge do really will helps your child in many ways
what is better than having a real life example shown
-powereventsasia advertisement: it uses comparison
like 'Learn in 5 days! What other NLP programs teach in 6 months'
it will cause the readers to compare
'why go for a 6 months course, when i can learn it at other place with only 5 days'
-daikin advertisement: it uses facts like their 4 ticks distinction and the greater annual electrical savings they have got
the most important factor is that they put in the
'trusted brand gold award winner since 2002' logo in to win reader's trust in them
and that do really works well
-hairaway advertisement: it uses giving discount to interest readers
but the most important thing that interests me is that
they put in 'we specialize in permanent hair removal. NOTHING ELSE!'
i think it is quite funny and it will leave a impression in the reader's mind after reading it
what is better than having a good quote to leave a good impression
-global edupreneur program: it uses 'money back guarantee' to interest readers
'why not give it a try, if it's not good, i will get my money back'
the straits times
thursday, october 18 2007
-Haircare 101: it uses 'visible results as seen on TV!'
readers who had seen the program would have saw the visible results testified by their satisfied customers
readers will trust it more than other similar advertisements
what can be better than having yourself seeing the results
they also uses an actor (Terence Cao) to gain reader's trust
as some readers may think that if that famous actor is their spokesperson and also client
= good
= must try
-guardian advertisement: it uses 'pharmacists to assist you to better understand your medication and health supplements'
with experts and consultants,
readers will think that it will be safer and better with them to lead
= gain their trust
-mindchamps advertisement: it uses comment by students themselves
and also a survey that they had done to show that it really works
and that gain the reader's trust in them
the straits times
friday, october 19 2007
-audio house advertisement: it uses 'lowest price guaranteed or your money back!'
'casetrust, be sure'
and 'listed as top 150 organizations by -the best of singapore in- service excellence 2007'
and by putting that
it allows readers to trust them better than any other
-geely advertisement: it uses to show their business partners like GE money, ARF and etc
to show that they are trustable
and with the support of these business partners
they will be better
as some readers may not know this brand
but by knowing some of the other business partner's brand
they will like
'oh.. i know this brand. this brand is good.
if they are business partners, this brand should be good as well'
the straits times
saturday, october 20 2007
-asa holiday advertisement: it uses 'holiday and win'
and 'be the next lucky winner to take off with the new mercedes - benz c180k and other fabulous prizes'
to attract reader's attention
-courts advertisement: it uses 'multi extended warranty'
and 'with great deals and fantastic services available at courts, there's something truly unique for everyone. so next time you think uniquely singapore, think uniquely courts.'
i think that it is quite unique as they uses uniquely singapore to publish their uniquely courts
-singtel advertisement: i think that their advertisement caught my eyes with their graphics made
it is very nice and interesting
with just a shake, you can get to the previous or the next song
most readers will think that
'wow.. so style and technology. i shall be the first one to get it'
weekend today
sunday, october 21 2007
-poh heng advertisement: it uses interesting graphics to attract reader's attention
like by making their 'itrustme' jewelery to be over a lady model's waist
and 'nothing is quite as precious as trust'
-london weight management advertisement: it uses real life examples
and 'we guarantee you 4-16 cm off or more in 1 session'
and it will thus gain reader's trust in them
-new york skin solutions advertisement: it uses 'face the world beautifully'
having skin problems = no good looks
= no good skin
with new york skin solutions = hope
and 'visible results guaranteed in just 1 session'
similarities: i never put in much advertisements because i think that almost all the advertisements are similar
and some advertisements on the above are not much of a spin
but it is a way they use to attract readers
they uses = gain reader's trust
= show real life example
= give knowledge
= give survey
= show that they have experts there
= show that they are good
= comparison
= give comments by others
= actor or actress as spokesperson
= quote
= reasoning
and the most important factor is that
they know the weakness of the readers
which is the kiasu-ness in them
no discount
no offer
no benefits
no gifts
and that is why they can interest so many readers
i think that to interest readers: 1. the advertisement size is important (the bigger it is, the more the readers will notice it)
2. their design and layout (as for me, i see the picture first than the words)
3. their quote and wordings (how interesting is their content, will it leave a impression in the reader)
4. the color (if the advertisement is in color, it will eventually attract reader's attention in a black and white newspaper)
but most importantly,
i think that if their brand are popular, readers will eventually notice them
as nowadays people go for the brand
next, is there a difference in how the newspaper handle weekdays' papers vs friday-sunday papers
describe how are they different
i think the difference is that: 1. weekends' paper is thicker
2. weekends' paper is 10 cents more expensive
3. weekends' paper has more advertisements
4. weekends' paper advertisements are bigger in size
5. today has advertisements only at the front but not at the back few pages
6. weekends' paper advertisements are more of the same company's advertisement
but they occupy more than a page